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Thursday, March 7, 2019

International Women's Day and how to make this fabulous Number Eight Sculpture by Alexander Solomatin, CBA.

International Women’s Day in Russia was first marked on March 8, 1913, when women demanded the right to vote via a public demonstration. It became a recognized public holiday in Russia in 1918. In fact, in Russia, this holiday is not called “Women’s Day”. It’s such a big public holiday that it’s just referred to as “the 8th of March”. On this day, Russian men and women bring gifts and flowers to all the important women in their lives and tell them “C vos’mym Marta!” (Happy March 8th!).

March 8th, or Women’s Day, is roughly comparable to Mother’s Day in the rest of the world, except that it celebrates all women – mothers, sisters, daughters, grandmothers, and so on. Mother’s Day is not celebrated in Russia, so March 8th functions as a celebration of both mothers and women in general. Women’s achievements in the personal, public and political spheres are widely acknowledged and celebrated - this excerpt was taken from "A Guide to International Women's Day in Russia" by Varia Makagonova.

Women's Day is now celebrated globally and is a national holiday in many countries. It is a day that honours women and their remarkable contribution to society.The day also commemorates the inspiring role of women around the world to secure women's rights and build more equitable societies.

To honour International Woman's Day, Alexander Solomatin, CBA of Balloondog, Moscow, Russia, created this fabulous Number Eight sculpture that incorporates both balloons and flowers that he shared on Qualatex TV - Russia, a YouTube channel that has been created for Russian speaking balloon artists. 

Alexander explained to me that while flowers are very popular in Russia and play a major role in this celebration, balloons are often not considered to be elegant or stylish. His aim was to design and make something that would change this perception. 

Alexander asked me if I would select a soft colour pastel palette - using the colour blending (double-stuffing) technique that he could use for his design. I selected five different colours that I thought would fit his goal.

Here is the video that Alexander created. I have voiced over the tutorial in English so that we could share the video and Alexander's beautiful design on the Very Best Balloon Blog.

Alexander Solomatin, CBA

Alexander Solomatin started working with balloons at the age of thirteen. As a teenager, the temptation to earn 200 dollars at one time was very appealing, and so his balloon journey began. A few years later, when Alexander was in college, he met Dmitry Novikov with whom he quickly gained a lifelong friend. The two started working together, gaining experience in different balloon companies.

In 2008, Alexander participated for the first time at the Moscow Balloon Festival. He attended Alberto Falcone's class, and this class changed both his balloon perspective and life forever.  Alexander realised that balloons could become a profession, and not just a part time income.

Alexander with his inspirer Alberto Falcone, CBA.
He met Vadim Shushkanov one year later in 2009, who also had developed a significant  interest in balloons. Together, Alexander, Vadim and Dmitry created SD Shar Company.

Dmitry Novikov, CBA, and Vadim Shushkanov, CBA, with Alexander.

In 2010, Alexander, Dmitry and Vadim participated in the Moscow balloon Festival as an independent team.
In 2012, they went on to win first place at BACI (Balloon Artists Convention Italy) as an independent team. This allowed them to expand their balloon vision and gave them inspiration for future party shops. 

Together as a team they have won:
  • Three times consecutively at the Moscow Festival 
  • WBC with a 3 head Cerberus – 1st place
  • Multiple 1st and 2nd places 12 minute and other competitions.
  • BACI large sculpture 

Currently Alexander operates three party shops, a decorating business, and as a side project in February 2019, they started Qualatex TV in Russian for the Russian speaking balloon artists.

There is no end in sight for these men, and they have big plans for the future!

Thank you Alexander for sharing with the Very Best Balloon Blog! 

Happy Woman's Day and Happy Ballooning!



  1. This is so beautiful. I love adding real and silk flowers or netting to my balloon designs.It adds a nice feel to it. carol www.foreverfunentertainers.com

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