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Monday, May 18, 2020

Top Tips to Create a Successful Wedding Marketing Campaign

With so many 2019/2020/2021 weddings being re-arranged, I can only imagine 2022 will be extremely busy for weddings!

With so many displaced and new couples working on their revised wedding plans, it got me to thinking that this really is the best time to develop a strong wedding marketing campaign. 

So what does a marketing campaign involve?

It is definitely involves more than just scheduling a few posts on Facebook and Instagram! There are a number of different things that you can do to inspire potential brides! 

Create website and social media content that is appealing to Brides & Grooms.

Understanding what brides & grooms (mostly brides) want is an important piece of the puzzle. 
Create the “wow” factor on your website. If you have not updated your wedding decor galleries in a while, now would be the ideal time.
And while we're talking about websites, put some work into your website’s searchability (SEO). It is important to optimise the images on your website, and Google is like your image-blind friend. It doesn’t see all of those beautiful images on your site, and it doesn’t know what is in them. The file name, alt text and description for each image on your site tells Google what it is. If you aren’t optimising your images with keywords, it’s going to hurt your SEO.

Make an engaging video.
We recently had the opportunity to create great free marketing videos through Waymark.com. However, this was a limited-time offer, and I am unfortunately not sure if this offer is still available. I know that many balloon companies including myself used it with great success! As I want to continue to make videos for my business, I invested in a one year subscription to Magisto - Online Video Editor. The annual subscription is very reasonable considering that it could help you generate lots of new interest in your products and services. I also really like that you get free access to IStock - by Getty Images and Videos that you can freely use in your adverts.

Check out this short video that I made using Magisto that could be used as part of an advertising campaign. I watched a few wedding marketing videos and noticed that the text was simple and small, just enough to capture the attention of the brides! 

Create a selection of good-looking social media posts

Once again, I am going to steer you towards CANVA to do this. CANVA for me has proved to be one of the best graphic design platforms there is. The basic tools are free, or you have the option to pay a small subscription to get access to more design tools and extremely easy to use. If you are unsure how to use CANVA check out this great post:

"Good Design Matters for your Business" - Zoe Adams-Jones Shows You How to Create Fabulous Social Media Posts Using CANVA.

Because the Best Weddings Are the Beautiful One's

So what else can you do as part of your marketing campaign?

Tag the location when you post a wedding on Instagram. 

When you post a photo of a wedding you've worked on, be sure to use the location tagging feature to tag the venue. That way, when couples are looking up that venue on Instagram, your photo will show up! As part of your wedding campaign, take this opportunity to repost some of your past weddings, and remember to use hashtags effectively.

#weddingvenue #weddingceremony #weddingreception #weddingplanning #weddingflowers #weddingballoons #weddingtime #weddingdecor #destinationwedding #weddingstyle #weddinginspo #easyweddings #weddingdetails #weddingparty #reception #venue 

Don't forget to hashtag your location too, as well as the areas that you will travel to.

Join and engage in relevant Facebook groups in a non-spammy way.

There are many different Facebook groups, so do your research and find all those that would potentially cater to your ideal client. 
Join them and look for ways to add value. This mindset will help steer you away from spammy activities that turn potential clients off. 
All wedding business-marketing ideas require authentic, valuable communication.

Designer name:
Sharron Parry of Blast! Balloons and Parties, Launceston, Tasmania, Australia

Create interesting and informative posts.

How about writing a post on dates to avoid in 2022/2023/2024

You could start by saying - 

Ready to set a date? Check this list of dates you might want to steer clear of when booking your wedding.
You can list all the top key holidays and public holidays in your country and the relevant dates for each of the years (all easily found on a Google search). 
Some of these might also be good dates especially when there is a holiday weekend with the Monday off.

Make sure you get your brides to consider their own personal significant dates, such as other family members and best friend's weddings, anniversaries, events happening in their area.

The top predicted wedding trends for 2021 would make a great post! 

There are some really good articles that you could research to help you to write your own great posts, or you could share interesting and informative posts that you have found on your own business page.

Here are a few very good articles that I have found:

21 of the Biggest Wedding Trends for 2021 - by Helen Pye featured in Hitched May 1st 2020 

Pinterest is also a great resource for information.

Review venues and vendors you have personally worked with.

You know that reviews matter a lot to your business, so why not review venues and vendors you’ve done business with? They’ll appreciate the gesture, and they’ll be more likely to refer you in turn for future events.

Shannon Kilford of Born to Party in Sydney, Australia

Shannon Kilford of Born to Party in Sydney, Australia

Shannon Kilford of Born to Party in Sydney, Australia

Post about a specific date you have available on social media due to a cancellation, or not having it booked despite other dates booking up.

Do you have one Saturday left in July available? Did one of your weddings cancel and you want to put the date back out there? Post about that on social media, and let people know that this date is available, and how they can book it before someone else gets it.

Add calls-to-action on your website

When someone has finished reading a blog post or your about page, what should they do next? Give them a direct call to action and a button or link they can click on to take the action you want them to take. This greatly increases the likelihood that they’ll actually take that action. 

And finally:

Network with other wedding industry professionals.

Always strive to give the best customer experience possible.
Stay positive. Remember that everything you put out there reflects you and your business.

Happy Ballooning!

Follow me on Instagram #suebowler


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