Monday, February 25, 2013

Sweet trends... this years pretty pastel colours!

Spring is about to burst through for many of us in the northern hemisphere... and I think that we have all had enough of the snow and cold cold days!

On opening my monthly (women's) magazine I was excited to see such a stunning collection of fashion ideas for the Spring that reminded me of 'sugared almonds', a beautiful array of pretty pastel shades!

So, I flicked open my NEW Qualatex catalogue and selected the balloons colours that reflected the same stunning shades! And look at how beautifully they blend together! 

NEW Caribbean Blue
Pearl Mint Green
Pearl Peach
Pearl Lemon Chiffon
Pearl Pink
Pearl Lavender

Monday, February 18, 2013

Shoestring Marketing - Tear Off Fliers

Over the next few weeks, I thought that it would be good to look at some different marketing ideas on a 'shoestring'! Rather than create one long blog, I have decided to post each idea in bite size pieces, so that you can take each one and see if they will work for you and your business!

Marketing tips
Tear- Off Fliers

Here's a great but simple marketing idea, create your own 'Tear-off Flyer'.

 Let's looks at the pro's...

  • You can target your advertising campaign. The flier that I have created as an example could be taken to play groups, school nurseries, libraries, or community halls and church groups where play groups meet and hopefully all with a noticeboard! All you need to do is some research as it's your local market that you are targeting! 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The 'Art' of Fantasy Flowers!

Fantasy Flowers... love them or hate them?

Sue Bowler
Mother's Day Design created by Sue Bowler CBA

I know that this is a bit of a 'bold' statement, but it's true, there are those of us who can see that using this technique can enhance a balloon design and there are those who don't think that they have any place in the balloon industry... which one are you?