Showing posts with label Classic Balloon Decor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Classic Balloon Decor. Show all posts

Thursday, May 10, 2012

As a 'Balloon Artist' how can we find our Inspiration?


We all need to be inspired sometimes, in everyday life we need find some inspiration, what to cook for a dinner party, what to wear for a special occasion, what special gift to buy someone... the list goes on and on!
So how can we draw on inspiration and come up with fresh and exciting new idea’s for our work?

Firstly we need to learn how to be inspired or find our creativity! I have heard many balloon decorators say that they are not creative people or that they find being creative hard.

Creativity does not just happen, sculpture, centerpiece and balloon dress designers to name just a few don’t just ‘make’ their creations, in many instances a designer can research and work on a design for many months in advance, I know, I have been in that situation myself when I have entered competitions!

Sue Bowler
This was my competition entry from IBAC 13, I worked on this design for many many weeks before I was happy with the end result.


If we have a theme to work on this is a huge help! Before we even start to think about balloons we need to do our homework!

The internet is such a huge asset for everyone today, prior to the internet (now that makes me sound very old)! We would use libraries or go on ‘inspiration’ days out, that would involve looking in store windows especially around seasonal periods, such as Christmas, Halloween and Valentines. Some of the big stores have huge merchandising budgets and have the most incredible displays, I know of a number of International designers who have re-created competition pieces from designs that they been inspired by that they have seen in a store window!

The Internet

As most of us are fortunate to have access to the internet, this would be the logical starting point for our research.

Google is a great starting point when I am looking for inspiration!
Google is probably the best search engine and I have to confess that I rarely use any of the others,  as it offers us so many options!

Just type and from there we can either read through the many 1000’s of entries or click on the word Images which appears at the top of the page and see every image that is available on the internet that is related to that subject.

This is how I started my research for my large sculpture that I created at BACI 2012

Once we start looking through this vast array of information we will be able to start to understand and visualize our theme in greater detail. It’s very important to have an open mind when working with a theme as there can be many routes that we can take and not necessarily the most obvious!

Collecting Information

We now need to start collecting information, pictures and idea’s, again, at this stage none of these are necessarily balloon related. Now make an ‘inspiration’ board. Many creative industries will use the same process from interior decorators to fashion designers, we all have the same aim of being creative and designing something fresh and unique!

An Interior Designers inspiration board

A Lilac & Purple Wedding theme inspiration board
For those of you with IPAD's there is a great App called 'Moodboard', I use it all the time to create collections of photographs and images. Perfect for inspiration boards but also to group pictures together when making up proposals for clients!

What should we be looking for to put on our inspiration boards?

Subject to the theme that we are working on we should be able to start identifying certain things such as:

In most themes there will be a dominant use of certain colours.
For example:
Mardi Gras; Green, Purple and Gold
Halloween; Orange, Black, Purple and White
James Bond; Black & Gold
Casino; Red, Black & White

This is a simple mood board that I created to help inspire me for a Mardi Gras design. Mardi Gras has 3 very domineering colours, Purple, Green and Gold, by simply using these 3 colours along with some very simple elements such as beads and feathers you can create a strong Mardi Gras theme design.

Shapes & Forms
Again, in many theme’s you can quickly identify reoccurring shapes and forms.
For example:
Arabian Nights you can see many uses of curves, swags and Moorish arches.
Casino will heavily reflect the use of  Hearts, Diamonds, Clubs and Spades.
Grecian themes can easily be identified through the use of elegant columns.

Key Thematic Elements
Strong elements that instantly identifies the theme.
For example;
Christmas; Snowmen, Christmas trees, Father Christmas....
Halloween; Black Cats, Bats, Pumpkins, ghosts....
Mardi Gras; Masks, beads, feathers...

We can also see what others have done, visit sites such as Balloonhq and photo search your theme (you might need to be a member to do specific searches) Seeing other artists work can often inspire us, it does not mean that we want to copy but it can help, especially if we are really struggling with a particular theme. The Qualatex Group facebook page is full of inspiring designs, it is a great way to share and inspire others!

How do we turn our idea’s into balloon decor?

With our ‘Inspiration’ board and a copy of our Qualatex catalogue we need to see what’s available, designs, colours and shapes. We might be lucky and find a whole range of balloons and products that fits nicely within our theme... Qualatex have some great theme balloons!

2012 Qualatex Everyday catalogue

Who’s our client, what are we making? Room decor for a clients party, a competition sculpture or a top selling delivery design for a peak holiday such as Valentines?  If we are designing for a client we may need to consider the customers budget, there is little point spending many hours designing complex decor for a party if our customer has a very limited budget, it would be far more constructive to design simple but effective decor that will fulfill the clients needs and expectations to the full, but don’t forget to add that little ‘extra’ that they really cannot decline but at extra expenses!


We still don’t need to touch a balloon at this stage, I suppose it really depends on what you are planning on making. Some designers sketch out their designs first or others of us reach for our keyboards! Hopefully if you are reading this you have access to either a PC or Mac, and therefore you should have either WORD or Pages, either one of these programs will give you the ability to start designing. Just use the shapes to create your balloon shapes, in WORD to find the shapes, click on VIEW and then TOOLBOX, when that opens click on DRAWING, that will give you a new toolbar that has everything that you need, use FILL to colour your shapes, CUT and PASTE to re-create more of the same, ‘hey presto’, you have a very basic design package, I can assure you I still use it today when I am designing anything from room decor to a centrepiece! Father Christmas started life as a computer generated design, this method saves time and materials and 99% of the time, work out just perfectly when recreated with actual balloons! I am sure that there are many clever people out there who know how to work with Coral Draw and other sophisticated design programs, that is my dream one day, but I know that as with anything new it will take a while to work out how to do it, so for now I am keeping to the simple way!

Sue Bowler
I created this just by simply using round shapes and filling in the colours!

Fresh Idea’s

I think I can say with confidence that ‘Fresh Idea’s’ will flow once you start to draw inspiration from sources away from the balloon industry, doing a small amount of research will help.

Tips & Hints

If you know that a customers budget is limited and you have a big space to fill, use Classic Balloon Decor every time! Columns and arches will quickly fill a room and create the greatest impact, use dominant colours and shapes that are synonymous with that theme.

Avital N Nir Shechter
This stunning arch created by Avital N Nir Shechter - Israel

Carmel & Sharon Galea
Beautiful shopping mall decor created by Carmel & Sharon Galea  - Party Goods Malta

Colin Stewart
Starpoint Decor created by Colin Stewart - Canada

Colin Stewart
Another great design by Colin Stewart

Lily Tan
Stunning entrance decor created by Lily Tan

Use bigger balloons for bigger impact! If using 16” or larger balloons make sure you work with a Conwin 60/40 valve to save on helium costs, especially if it's a 1 day only event!

Look out for current trends, see what’s going on in other industries such as the floral industry and see what’s new! Colour trends and even material trends such as feathers and beads,

Keep it simple! Keep your designs simple, don’t be tempted to over complicate them, minute detail is not important and takes too much time and therefore does not make it profitable.

Work smart! Work with the best equipment available to do the job, working with precision equipment will significantly reduce your labour time and costs. The quicker you work the more profitable you will be!

I would love to hear how you find your inspiration, please email me

Happy ballooning!


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How Tope Abulude designed the 'Very Best Balloon Show on Earth' Costume Party!

I would like to start this blog by declaring that I am totally in awe and full of respect for all those who design and create amazing large sculptures and large scale decor for parties! The amount of pre-planning and work involved is incredible and should never be underestimated!

Many months ago, Qualatex threw down the gauntlet and sent out a Worldwide Challenge to balloon artists offering them the opportunity to create the party decor that "only dreams are made of," where the balloons are unlimited and you have a full staff to bring it all to life!

What an amazing opportunity, but how does someone even start to plan for a party such as this?

WBC 2012
Tope with Norma Roberts
10 years ago there was a young man from London, England called Tope Abulude, CBA of Balloon Inspirations, who did just that, and back then, he created the Medieval themed Thursday night costume Party at IBAC (International Balloon Arts Convention.)  I remember It well as I also worked on this party creating King & Queen "Dance floor Darlings."

Once again Tope rose to the challenge and was declared the winning designer to create this year Thursday night costume party at the World Balloon Convention 2012 -

'The Very Best Balloon Show on Earth'!

How do start the designing process for a party such as this Tope?

"The design process is usually the more interesting aspect for me...I approach room design (regardless of how big it is) like it's a big centrepiece design. Then I will treat each component like they are centrepieces in their own rights. It's always back to design basics for me. The elements and principles of design are my anchor, so using space, colour, line, form etc. and how these come together in unity, harmony, rhythm, proportion to each other to define the final whole of whatever project I work on. I think taking the time to understand these fundamentals of design, and the application is what makes the difference between a decorator and a designer in any art form.Once I had submitted my drawings, I decided I was going to enjoy the journey/process this time around".

Tope was asked to submit sketches to depict decor for the following areas of the party.

Detailed sketches of specific decor elements fitting the circus theme for each of these areas: 
1.        Entrance/foyer 
2.        Stage/backdrop, including sides of stage and video screens 
3.        Ceiling treatments (ceiling height: 17 feet) 
4.        Room perimeter/focal point decor 
5.        Table arrangements for buffets/centerpieces 
6.        Special effects 
7.        Photo backdrops 

Here are a few of Tope's original sketches!

Tope Abulude

Tope Abulude

Tope Abulude

Tope Abulude

How did this party differ from the one that you did 10 years ago?

"I overworked myself during the preparation and I couldn't enjoy the party 10 years ago, ( I didn't even bring my own costume to Chicago.) This time I paced myself better and I was more organised.

I focused on my strengths and I chose to delegate a lot more than I did 10 years ago.
I arrived in Dallas early to start work on the Monday. I took breaks when I needed, and I had a fantastic team around me and a good project manager."

Tope selected the Polka Dots & Dots Bubble (15608) to create his colour palette for the party!

Here are a few photographs from the early stages of prep...

WBC 2012

WBC 2012

WBC 2012

WBC 2012

Tope's amazing team at work!

WBC 2012

WBC 2012

WBC 2012
more Monkey's! 

WBC 2012

WBC 2012
Tope's awesome team!
The Party!
It's great to see that so many people dressed up! It really does create the best party atmosphere...

I asked some of the newly qualified CBA delegates from the World Balloon Convention to tell me some of their WBC highlights, as you can see the party featured very highly!

"The costume party. The decor by Tope was fun and rich and it was great to see everyone parting and just having a good time"!   -  Malachi Robinson CBA
"The Gala and Circus decorating was amazing"! -  Tracy Hawes CBA
"The WOW Factor of all the Decor, I have only seen in magazines and online - it was so much more impressive and the techniques were easier to comprehend". - Amanda Pierce CBA
"Circus theme party and Gala dinner where everyone dressed up for the occasion"! - Annabelle Claire Tan CBA
"Helping to build the decor for the special events". - Elaine Holmes CBA
"Blown away by the Circus theme, absolutely fantastic"! - John Brew CBA

WBC 2012
The awesome Clown entrance arches!!!

WBC 2012
The 'Big Top' and Clown Head...

WBC 2012
'Circus' Stage Wall

WBC 2012
Looking across the room

WBC 2012

WBC 2012
Room decor with the stage 'Circus' wall and some very cool lighting!

WBC 2012
Fantastic costumes!

WBC 2012
Guess who... this IS Ted & Betty Vlamis... looking great!

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Tope Abulude and his amazing team, the decor and party was truly awesome. I would also like to thank Tope for sharing such great information, his early plans & details on how he worked to create yet another truly memorable event!

WBC 2012
Tope Abulude CBA,  Balloon Inspirations, London, UK
Tope has asked me to to add his own personal thanks to the following people: 

"I would like to thank contributing artists Cam Woody, Keith Stirman, Dom Cassidy, Connie Iden-Mounds, Dmitriy Tishenko, Andrey Osokin and David Debustos,  the WBC staff and Volunteers (too long a list to name) and it was a pleasure to work with Nick Otis (and his team) and LaDonna Belcher".

Before I started to write this blog, I truly wondered how you would even begin to start planning for an event on this scale? I would also have said that my own personal creativity comes in 'small, easy to handle packages', any bigger and I feel totally out of my comfort zone! However, I really liked how Tope says that he treats all his jobs like a big centrepiece design and builds each component of the decor in a similar way... wow, that really makes sense...hmm, maybe I could one day design decor on a large scale?

Well, I am off to 'BACI'-  Balloon Arts Convention Italy, where I will be making a large sculpture with 'Team Bowler'! I am hoping that they will have 'livecam' during the sculpture build again this year (Friday 20th April & Saturday 21st April), if they have, I'll make sure that I post it on the Qualatex Facebook Group page!

See you soon with some great new blogs!

Happy ballooning!


Thursday, March 29, 2012

World Balloon Convention Day 1 - the build up to a great event!

Wow, what an incredible week we have just had! Delegates arrived from 47 countries around the World and joined us at the Sheraton Hotel, Dallas, with only a few delays caused by a pretty big Texas storm early on in the week! The hotel shook with thunder and the skies lit up with lightening... and then the sun came and stayed with us for the rest of the week!

There are many photographs from the World Balloon Convention,  so I thought that I would document WBC from a slightly different perspective. This is the first of my WBC blogs.

Day 1, Monday 19th March 2012 and the start of the Signature Sculpture, designed  by Azusa Ieizumi, CBA, Japan.
Azusa Signature Sculpture - her vision!

Here are a few photographs of the elements being created for Azusa's sculpture, try and relate them back to the original picture...

The Frogs with Akane

John, Luc & Ines make the sky... looks to me like they are having way too much fun!

Keith & Dom make the trees

Azusa making the bears

Robbie making the fish... yes he is using 321Q's!

Lisa making the mushrooms
Lollypop! Made by me
Other Lollypop tree's, frames made by Brenda Fink and balloons by Dom  & Keith
After 2 days of much balloon inflating and many volunteer helpers, Azusa's Signature Sculpture is ready to greet everyone!

Congratulations to Azusa and all those who helped to create the 'World of Wonder', Signature Sculpture.

Watch out for my next WBC blog tomorrow :)
