Showing posts with label Tope Abulude. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tope Abulude. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

How Tope Abulude designed the 'Very Best Balloon Show on Earth' Costume Party!

I would like to start this blog by declaring that I am totally in awe and full of respect for all those who design and create amazing large sculptures and large scale decor for parties! The amount of pre-planning and work involved is incredible and should never be underestimated!

Many months ago, Qualatex threw down the gauntlet and sent out a Worldwide Challenge to balloon artists offering them the opportunity to create the party decor that "only dreams are made of," where the balloons are unlimited and you have a full staff to bring it all to life!

What an amazing opportunity, but how does someone even start to plan for a party such as this?

WBC 2012
Tope with Norma Roberts
10 years ago there was a young man from London, England called Tope Abulude, CBA of Balloon Inspirations, who did just that, and back then, he created the Medieval themed Thursday night costume Party at IBAC (International Balloon Arts Convention.)  I remember It well as I also worked on this party creating King & Queen "Dance floor Darlings."

Once again Tope rose to the challenge and was declared the winning designer to create this year Thursday night costume party at the World Balloon Convention 2012 -

'The Very Best Balloon Show on Earth'!

How do start the designing process for a party such as this Tope?

"The design process is usually the more interesting aspect for me...I approach room design (regardless of how big it is) like it's a big centrepiece design. Then I will treat each component like they are centrepieces in their own rights. It's always back to design basics for me. The elements and principles of design are my anchor, so using space, colour, line, form etc. and how these come together in unity, harmony, rhythm, proportion to each other to define the final whole of whatever project I work on. I think taking the time to understand these fundamentals of design, and the application is what makes the difference between a decorator and a designer in any art form.Once I had submitted my drawings, I decided I was going to enjoy the journey/process this time around".

Tope was asked to submit sketches to depict decor for the following areas of the party.

Detailed sketches of specific decor elements fitting the circus theme for each of these areas: 
1.        Entrance/foyer 
2.        Stage/backdrop, including sides of stage and video screens 
3.        Ceiling treatments (ceiling height: 17 feet) 
4.        Room perimeter/focal point decor 
5.        Table arrangements for buffets/centerpieces 
6.        Special effects 
7.        Photo backdrops 

Here are a few of Tope's original sketches!

Tope Abulude

Tope Abulude

Tope Abulude

Tope Abulude

How did this party differ from the one that you did 10 years ago?

"I overworked myself during the preparation and I couldn't enjoy the party 10 years ago, ( I didn't even bring my own costume to Chicago.) This time I paced myself better and I was more organised.

I focused on my strengths and I chose to delegate a lot more than I did 10 years ago.
I arrived in Dallas early to start work on the Monday. I took breaks when I needed, and I had a fantastic team around me and a good project manager."

Tope selected the Polka Dots & Dots Bubble (15608) to create his colour palette for the party!

Here are a few photographs from the early stages of prep...

WBC 2012

WBC 2012

WBC 2012

WBC 2012

Tope's amazing team at work!

WBC 2012

WBC 2012

WBC 2012
more Monkey's! 

WBC 2012

WBC 2012
Tope's awesome team!
The Party!
It's great to see that so many people dressed up! It really does create the best party atmosphere...

I asked some of the newly qualified CBA delegates from the World Balloon Convention to tell me some of their WBC highlights, as you can see the party featured very highly!

"The costume party. The decor by Tope was fun and rich and it was great to see everyone parting and just having a good time"!   -  Malachi Robinson CBA
"The Gala and Circus decorating was amazing"! -  Tracy Hawes CBA
"The WOW Factor of all the Decor, I have only seen in magazines and online - it was so much more impressive and the techniques were easier to comprehend". - Amanda Pierce CBA
"Circus theme party and Gala dinner where everyone dressed up for the occasion"! - Annabelle Claire Tan CBA
"Helping to build the decor for the special events". - Elaine Holmes CBA
"Blown away by the Circus theme, absolutely fantastic"! - John Brew CBA

WBC 2012
The awesome Clown entrance arches!!!

WBC 2012
The 'Big Top' and Clown Head...

WBC 2012
'Circus' Stage Wall

WBC 2012
Looking across the room

WBC 2012

WBC 2012
Room decor with the stage 'Circus' wall and some very cool lighting!

WBC 2012
Fantastic costumes!

WBC 2012
Guess who... this IS Ted & Betty Vlamis... looking great!

I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Tope Abulude and his amazing team, the decor and party was truly awesome. I would also like to thank Tope for sharing such great information, his early plans & details on how he worked to create yet another truly memorable event!

WBC 2012
Tope Abulude CBA,  Balloon Inspirations, London, UK
Tope has asked me to to add his own personal thanks to the following people: 

"I would like to thank contributing artists Cam Woody, Keith Stirman, Dom Cassidy, Connie Iden-Mounds, Dmitriy Tishenko, Andrey Osokin and David Debustos,  the WBC staff and Volunteers (too long a list to name) and it was a pleasure to work with Nick Otis (and his team) and LaDonna Belcher".

Before I started to write this blog, I truly wondered how you would even begin to start planning for an event on this scale? I would also have said that my own personal creativity comes in 'small, easy to handle packages', any bigger and I feel totally out of my comfort zone! However, I really liked how Tope says that he treats all his jobs like a big centrepiece design and builds each component of the decor in a similar way... wow, that really makes sense...hmm, maybe I could one day design decor on a large scale?

Well, I am off to 'BACI'-  Balloon Arts Convention Italy, where I will be making a large sculpture with 'Team Bowler'! I am hoping that they will have 'livecam' during the sculpture build again this year (Friday 20th April & Saturday 21st April), if they have, I'll make sure that I post it on the Qualatex Facebook Group page!

See you soon with some great new blogs!

Happy ballooning!


Thursday, March 8, 2012

How to get 'The Very Best' from a Balloon Convention!

Attending a convention for the very first time can be a daunting experience... what can you expect? Will you recoup your investment? How can you make it the best experience ever?

So with less than 2 weeks to go until the 2012 World Balloon Convention, I invited some of our industries leading instructors to share their Top Tips and suggestions on how to get the very best from a balloon convention... and a little bit more!

How would you describe your experience when you attended your very first balloon convention?

 Robbie Furman - 1st Balloon Convention Twist & Shout - USA 2007
" My first balloon convention was an emotional, exciting roller coaster from the moment I got there till the last goodbye". - Robbie Furman CBA

Azusa Ieizumi - 1st Balloon Convention JBAN - Japan  1999
 "Amazing! I have never seen such a wonderful balloon works before"! - Azusa Ieizumi CBA

Tope Abulude - 1st Balloon Convention European Balloon Symposium Paris - 1995 

"It was mind blowing"!!!!!!!!!!! - Tope Abulude CBA

Colin Myles - 1st Balloon Convention European Balloon Symposium Amsterdam -1994
 "It blew my mind, and realised I had found what I wanted to do with my professional life". - Colin Myles CBA

Lisa Swiger - 1st Balloon Convention  Balloon Camp Las Vegas 2007
 "I came home with so many new, money-making ideas that it was literally a turning point for our business". - Lisa Swiger CBA

Alberto Falcone - 1st Balloon Convention BACI - Italy 1997
"You can choose: Alluring - Appealing - Attractive - Captivating - Charming - Engaging - Fascinating - Glamorous - Insite - Intriguing - Prepossessing - Ravishing - Winning -inspiring... Speaking about the first event, to go there like a child opening his/her Christmas gifts... Full of desire to play and enjoy with it!   " - Alberto Falcone CBA

Amanda Armstrong - 1st Balloon Convention  IBAC 16 Chicago, 2000
" I learned so much and was excited to get back to my business to implement all of the new techniques and designs that I had just seen.  I also made many new friends that I still see today".   - Amanda Armstrong CBA

David Taylor - 1st Balloon Convention BASA- Tasmania, Australia 2003
 "mind blowing and design expanding.Helped me to think more broadly about what is possible with balloons". - David Taylor CBA

Alex Arroyo & Pepe Posada - 1st Balloon Convention Qualatex Event Mexico, 1990
I just got CRAZY at the time I felt in my hand  my first Qualatex Balloon a WHITE 16” wow!! And we saw so many doors to open  for this business! - Alex Arroyo CBA 

 What top tip would you give to someone who has never attended a convention or event so that they maximise their experience?

 "try to work with one of the competitors" - Tope  

"Bring a camera and take lots of pictures of EVERYTHING – from ideas you want to recreate all the way through large sculptures that will inspire you.  At some point, you will forget things because the experience can be so overwhelming.  When you get home, you’ll have hundreds of photos to help you remember"! - Lisa

"take lots of notes and photos in your classes.  As soon as you return to your business build at least one design that you saw everyday for the next two weeks.  Take a pic and try to sell it". - David 

"Go and help as much as you can:  in the sculptures, the events! It’s a great opportunity to learn and of course go to principles and design class"! - Alex

"Attend everything, from helping with the set-up, or competitions, to classes to parties, speak to people, ( you will find everyone very friendly ) do not worry about sleep, you can sleep when you get home". - Colin

"the spirit to learn and to discover every time something new is the right way to attend all seminars, also after tenths". - Alberto

"Always lend a helping hand whenever possible.  Hands on experience is always the best teacher.  Look for and learn new techniques that you can use in your designs.  Take lots of pictures to refer to when you get back to your business. Ask LOTS of questions, don't be afraid, you'll get out of it only what you put into it.  Have fun and make new friends"!
 - Amanda

"Now that I have attended many conventions and have learned so many things from them over the years, I recommend to a new conventioneer, to keep in mind, that when you go to your first convention, you will want to come to more and more.  SO, Since you are going to be coming to many conventions…take it SLOW.  Yes, don’t worry about trying to take EVERY class, don’t worry to try and learn how to create every design.  Take it slow.  Take lots of pictures, learn who the teachers are and what they are teaching, and make notes of it for future conventions if there is something that does not fit into your schedule at the WBC or if the designs may be a little more advanced then you are ready to create.  My biggest recommendation would be to leave the convention with a handful of great ideas and recipes.  Take these home, MASTER them and we will see you at the next convention"! - Robbie

How would you recommend/suggest that a first time attendee put’s their new found knowledge into practice when they return after an event? 
"Organize all of the pictures and notes that you've taken on your computer so that you can make quick reference to them when you're designing your next event.  When you get back, practice the best learned techniques so that they become second nature". - Amanda

"Personally I was inspired from Marvin Hardy: “there are three very important things to do to be a good balloon artist: practice, practice, practice. It’s really important, Just in this way is possible to reach the right sensitivity and the right knowledge about the elements which are  peculiars in this work". - Alberto

"One of the best things I ever did was come home and practice the skills I felt would best impact my business.  I picked a few “MUST DOs” from the convention and when I got home, I immediately started recreating the ideas.  I then had my own photos to add to my portfolio and the practice to confidently sell the idea". - Lisa

"They have to be proactive with whatever they have learnt...practice any new techniques immediately and implement the changes you  think will be beneficial to your business - Tope

 "take lots of notes and photos in your classes.  As soon as you return to your business build at least one design that you saw everyday for the next two weeks.  Take a pic and try to sell it". - David

"Attend everything, from helping with the set-up, or competitions, to classes to parties, speak to people, ( you will find everyone very friendly ) do not worry about sleep, you can sleep when you get home"! - Colin

 "That is just it, you said the word Sue…Practice.  Practice makes perfect.  But what do you do with the design when you are done Practicing it?  That is where MARKETING comes into play.  See if you can find a local library or a business in the area you are friendly with and bring it to them as a gift.  Let the world see your designs and the possibilities of what YOU can create for someone’s special event". - Robbie

"The first thing is ORGANIZE YOURSELF! You are going to find a lot of information in your class notes  and pictures,  organize them!, My best suggestion is start practice reproducing what you saw, what you’ve learned and once you achieve the result you wanted go and sell it! Never practice with your client"! - Alex 

Is there any one thing that you learned or gained from a convention/ event that has given you an instant return on your investment?

"I have never been to a convention that I did not find something that I could incorporate into my business" -  Colin
"I approached clients more confidently because I was now equipped  with the skills necessary to compete with other vendors on the same keel" - Tope
"If you make it, you can price it.  If you take a pic, you can sell it"! - David
"I think the biggest instant return on investment was a class I took on centerpieces.  Before that class, we were only offering basic designs, but after seeing some more advanced designs with foils and creative bases put together, we were able to offer much more sophisticated (and more money-making) designs" - Lisa
"I think every detail I learned and I’m learning and I will learn are important and essential for different motivations and to reach different goals like to be faster or to increase my works book with new ideas, for example". - Alberto
"I  remember taking a class from Bruce Walden. We learned how to create a balloon logo on foam board and I was able to start selling it to corporate clients.  I also remember Crystal Narramore's Wedding Class and the marketing tips we learned for doing bridal shows. Since I had never done one before, it gave me the confidence to try it out.  I booked two weddings on my first show".- Amanda
 "I won the first prize ,so that I appear on TV ,news papar made my company famous".- Azusa

We always help at the WBC events a lot and we stay until the event is done so we learn all the details and setbacks, son when we have a similar event we can prepare ourselves with everything so we avoid all the setbacks could happen and of course  get a better budget and that can happen at the time you are back! Depending how fast you move to sell the event.  - Alex  
"There are many things that I have learned and gained from conventions over the years, but the one MAIN thing is PROFESSIONALISM.  I have had the opportunity to talk to many people in the industry who I look up to and aspire to be like one day.  I have had a chance to see their portfolio and their marketing material and I have taken these ideas and have incorporated them into my own business.  This has made me a more successful looking person and my clients have noticed it right away".  - Robbie

How quickly would you say that it took you recoup your investment?
"learn and practice and sell, sell,sell!!!" - Azusa
              "2-3 months" - Amanda
"It depend from the kind of invest. I can tell you my experience like retailer. You can have a good result after two years". - Alberto

"I think we sold better centerpieces on the next job we booked, so almost immediately upon returning.  Also, you come home with so much energy and enthusiasm, that customers seem to WANT to order more because they are excited too"! - Lisa

"It’s amazing! Sometimes it’s instantly but we always say depends a lot in the effort you invest with your clients selling the new designs you’ve learned. They won’t sell by themselves inside of your camera" ! - Alex

"In minutes...?  I take the photos, we have a play day at the office with my staff, and we get the new designs on the website.  Once they are there it is only a matter of weeks before they are selling.  They sell because they are "brand new!!" - David
"I would say in the same year...I had a different approach to most things when I returned" - Tope
"Good question!!, and such a long time ago. I would probably estimate it took me three months, and of course I have gained ever since!" - Colin
"After my first convention I came home with such an overwhelming sense of ACTION…I wasted no time in implementing the new found vigor that I got from my convention.  I recouped my investment dollar right away in more than just money, I recouped it in how I ran my business, in how I created my designs, in the techniques I was using.  I was using all the time saving tips and new concepts for ideas in my business right away and my portfolio started to expand as was my knowledge in how to create new desings.  I was INSTANTLY recouping my investments in the FIRST DAY"!

Collectively these great instructors have 145 years 'ballooning' experience between them! They all have successful balloon business's and a wealth of knowledge and experience, it is amazing how many of their answers are similar and with some truly wonderful advice... keep all of it in mind and make the most of your experience... you will love EVERY second of it!

I also asked each of these instructors what their top selling and most profitable designs or decor are and of course which Qualatex balloon is their favourite! I will be featuring these in my blog next week!

Maybe you have been to a balloon convention and would like to share your top tips? Why not post them on the World Balloon Convention Facebook page so that everyone can read and benefit from them!

A huge thank you to Robbie, Lisa, Amanda, Tope, Colin, David, Alberto, Azusa, Pepe and Alex for taking the time to talk to me and helping me with this blog, I appreciate that they are all very busy getting ready for The World Balloon Convention or OnArt Spain!

See you soon at WBC!

My very special moment from WBC 2010

Friday, December 9, 2011

My favorite balloons for 2011... what are yours?

With only a matter of a few weeks before we reach the end of 2011, I have started to reflect on the year that has passed... and oh boy was it quick!

I do not want to dwell on the less positive side of 2011, I think that our daily news reports do that very well and I am certainly not an expert when it comes to politics and economics!

So I thought that I would start this series of blogs reflecting on 'balloons'.
Like many of you, my life revolves around balloons and has done so for the past 20 plus years! I get very excited when I see all the new styles and designs each year and cannot wait to see what I and others can make with each and every one of these balloons!

Our favorite balloons for 2011

So, if someone asked you 'what was your favorite Qualatex balloon for 2011, what would it be and why"? I asked a few of my friends in the industry to help me out with this.

Tope Abulude CBA, Balloon Inspirations says that his best selling balloon for 2011 is:

Minnie Mouse # 27568
"I would say the Mickey & Minnie Mouse bubbles"

Mickey Mouse #27569

"I have made various types of arrangements/sculptures with them, and they have proved to be quite a hit for us this year!  The shaped head makes it possible for me to make simple, inexpensive sculptures for my they get a unique piece of Art that's not available in Clintons (in your face Clintons :p) On the latex side, my customers really like the baby pink and wild berry happy birthday mix and polka dot wild berry":o"

Kevin Proctor CBA, Premier Balloons
Deco Bubble Scroll Filigree # 23593 20"
"Deco bubbles for us!
They're so versatile and work for any occasion or season! None of our competitors do them, they're cheap to us, the floating time is....yonks! They're all so easy to add value to them and they're just so different to a 'normal' balloon!

We use 'decos' a lot in bouquets as well as centrepieces. I'd say polka dot with an 11" inside would be the most popular but its a close call between that and the clear 20" deco with an 11" print inside.
Also....adding to the deco bubble praises, we use a lot in decor as well, great for indoors and out!

Colour of the year - I'd have to say 'bubblegum pink' (I've given it that name) which is a double stuffed jewel magenta with a std white inside, customers go crazy for it - try it, it looks so vibrant and bright!"

Colin Myles CBA, Smiley Balloons

"My favourite just now is the three foot super agate, any colour but preferably all the colours in a room design, I think I am in love with them"!

Enza Mondello CBA, Balloon Express Patti
"My is 11" super agate all colours"!!!!!

Andrey Osokin CBA
My favorite super agate ))
Roses & Butterflies 24" Deco Bubble # 29718

Mike & Sara Harris CBA - For Every Occasion

"Yep, most 'defo' the heart and butterfly deco bubbles for us - you can utilise them in so many ways and they are easy money! Big thumbs up but new designs would be greatly welcomed"!

Big Polka Dot Wild Berry 11"
Renata Fric CBA, Magic D.o.o
'Top seller for us was Polka dots balloons... and the colour wild berry. Great response was on the 24" deco bubble with print, as they really give great effect in the decor, specially as table decor and like Kevin says, they are great for indoors and outdoors, what is specially in a hot summer time very good and you can even deliver them in the van"

Neil Armstrong CBA, Sensational Balloons.
'The new bubble Festive Trees & Snowman has become a big hit with the 11" merry Christmas festive assortment plus also the 24" printed deco bubbles have been very good because you can attach a lot more to them and not worry about them coming down!'
Festive Tree & Snowman # 31851 22"

So now it's my turn, here are my favorites! I have a few actually...
Damask Accent Patterns # 34430 18"
I think that I would have to start with the NEW Diamond Accents™, a little bit of a late runner for 2011 as they did not make the 2011 Qualatex Catalogue, so I think they will feature in my 2012 list too!  For me, these are every designers dream! The shape of the balloon fits so well into a Balloon Bouquet creating beautiful lines, but it's also the strong designs that make them so very special! 
Over the past few months we have seen more and more ways of working with this fantastic shape balloon, especially for air-filled decor! 
Design created by Luc Bertrand CBA
I strongly believe that if you give a group of creative balloon artists a balloon, each person would come up with their own unique concept and way of working with them... and that has to be great for our industry!  Luc Bertrand created this New Year's design using the Qualatex Diamond Expression New Year Sparkle # 27673 18", but this same concept can be used for any of the Diamond Accent balloons. This design can be hung as a mobile that will freely turn with air currents or hung against a back-drop... and they last so long!
My other great favorite this year and I am sure that it will be the same for 2012 too, is the Damask print! I just love it! The combination of the Damask Accent with the Damask Print-A-Round latex, it's elegant and stunning!
Damask Print-A-Round # 31471

The colour Wild Berry has been a huge hit with both balloon artists and the public.
I could continue to list all my 'other' favorites too, I agree with everyone above, the Mickey & Minnie Mouse Double Bubbles have opened up a huge world for us in terms of retail and decor designs. I also 'LOVE' all Deco Bubble's... a balloon artists best friend, visually fantastic, very adaptable, durable and long long lasting!
And of course Big Polks Dots & Super Agates... in every colour :) 

It would be great to hear what your favorite 2011 Qualatex balloons are and why, you can add your comments at the bottom of this blog, we would love to hear from you :)
I am just off to try out Kevin's "Bubblegum' Pink!

Have a great weekend!
