Thursday, March 19, 2020

The Necessity of Obtaining Deposits for Bookings

Contracts, Terms and Conditions, and Deposits are vital for all businesses, regardless of how big or small they are. 

Whether your inaction is out of fear or a lack of confidence, not getting that deposit up front can end up by coming back to bite you.

This may feel like we are attempting to close the door after the horse has bolted, however, there has never been a better time than now to review your businesses terms and conditions, including non-refundable deposits.

I have seen many posts on Facebook about how to deal with customers who cancel at the last minute. If you don't already have a cancellation policy or deposit system in place, it is important to take steps to protect yourself with future bookings.

Asking for a non-refundable deposits in your terms and conditions is a solid way to protect  your earnings especially in an industry where last minute cancellations are likely to leave you out of pocket.

By asking customers to pay a deposit upfront, they are able to secure their event and the services upon which you have both agreed. A deposit is a gesture of good faith and commitment from the customer. This will ensure that you have at least part of the funds before they receive whatever goods and services you are providing. Though it's not a substantial amount of money, a non-refundable deposit is generally used to cover the unavoidable outlay of stock and materials or other bespoke items as a kind of security against any kind of cancellations.

The timing between the initial deposit and the final payment of the remaining balance should be pre-determined between you and the customer. The deposit should be set at a realistic and reasonable level. If you ask for too much, you may find that even with the most plainly worded terms and conditions, non-refundable deposits deemed too expensive can be difficult to enforce. Remember, it can only be deemed non-refundable if it covers the actual cost of the loss that may results from a cancellations.

Be assertive, and do not apologise

Many small businesses, especially new ones, find it difficult to ask for money at all. 
But if you want to be successful in the business world, it’s a fear that you must overcome. The first time you ask, it might feel uncomfortable, but do it anyway.

I have found that one of the easiest ways to overcome this fear is to not ask, but tell. After the initial consultation with your client, simply explain the next steps if they have indicated they would like to proceed. Say something along the lines of: 
“If you would like to proceed with the order, just let me know, and I will email you a full description of work, my terms and conditions, and an invoice for xx% of the event cost as a deposit.” 

Happy Ballooning! 

Follow me on Instagram @suebowler

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Riding out the Storm: How to Cope in the Face of Adversity.

Earlier this week I read a Facebook post written by David Mahoney of Balloons Everyday, Texas, USA, which contained some very wise and encouraging words.
 "Focus on what you can do and can control. Don't worry about the rest. Best advice I was ever given."
 David goes on to talk about the effect of Coronavirus on business and the economy.
"Sure, things are changing a bit because of the Coronavirus but that does not change the facts that there are still lots of everyday business. Take birthdays in the USA... there is almost 800K birthdays everyday.
AGAIN.... 800,000 BIRTHDAYS A DAY!!!!!!
People will still get married, babies will still be born, companies will still do business, and anniversaries still happen.
Focus on what you can do, adjust where you need to, and push... You are still in control of you and can still succeed and achieve your dreams."

Yesterday, Steven Jones of Balloon Designers, Seattle, USA, gave his perspective on this situation:
"Good morning, everyone...with everything going on in the world right now, I just want to offer up a couple of thoughts.

1. For everyone affected by the COVID-19 issues going on around the world, you are NOT alone. The entire "gig economy" is feeling the impact of this situation, and believe me, if you aren't already experiencing cancellations and the like, you probably soon will be.
2. Remember that this can always be worse...yes, you might be experiencing a lot of cancellations and the like, but you could also be in a hospital bed somewhere suffering from this disease, so let's put things into perspective.
3. Breathe...and know that this WILL pass. Think of this like a storm...yes, it's going to do some serious damage while it's here, but it will eventually end and the sun will shine again.
4. Harsh reality time...let's be VERY honest with ourselves...we have invested and embraced a line of work that ultimately no one NEEDS. At the end of the day, what we offer is a luxury service that serves no other purpose than to inspire emotion.
Now, let me be clear...I'm not saying that's not important...not at all, or else I personally wouldn't be doing this. But at the end of the day, people need food, people need shelter, people need heat and clothing...they don't NEED an air sac of latex sculpted into the form of Baby when economic times like this occur, this IS going to happen.
And it will happen again one day...and it will happen again after that. It may not be viral related, but economic downturns are a part of life. You HAVE to plan for those in the future.
5. On the other side of this, call it pie-in-the-sky-optimism, but the reality is some of the worst times in our business careers are actually huge opportunities in disguise. Sure, a lot of us are losing revenue, but you're also gaining something you've lost a LOT of...and that's time.

USE THAT your business, organize, clean, take on that project you've been meaning to get to or hell, reconnect with your family and loved ones that you never get to visit with because you're constantly working. USE this time to your advantage as opposed to feeling sorry for yourself and the state of things.

6. Never forget one thing...that you are you realize what a bad a$$ you are? You are one of the very few people in this world that had the strength and fortitude to create a business. You have done something millions and millions of people only DREAM of doing...and you did it! You're driven, you're motivated and you're succeeding in ways others will never, ever know...
And you know what else? Just think about this...when people want to celebrate the greatest moments of their lives, their highest achievements and their most precious of memories, they think of YOU to share in that joy. Your gifts and your talents make their moments better, and they seek you out to bring joy into these major milestones. Your works are something they will carry in their hearts and minds for as long as they live....and that's something you should be proud of, regardless of the current state of things. 
So take a moment to catch your breath and absorb what's happening. Then remind yourself of who you are and why you do what you do and keep moving forward.
You've got this  

And you know what else? When this is all over, the whole world is going to be ready to celebrate! So get ready for that too
Thanks for listening " 
Both David and Steven shared some incredibly encouraging words and practical advice that can help you over the coming months. 

I too have a few final words that I would like to share with you that may help at this difficult time.

Keep a positive mindset

As much as this is a very scary time for us all, it won't last forever, so it is important to stay as positive through it all so we can come out shining!
Embrace adversity as a chance for opportunity
It is time to consider potential opportunities rather than dwelling on despair. Maybe we can't work on big events for this period of time, but as David rightly said, there are many everyday prospects available to our industry.
Be Informed

Find out what kind of help is out there for you and your business. In the UK this week, our Government announced some great new schemes that will help small businesses through this rough period. Even those of us who are self-employed will receive support if we are unable to work. Investigate if there are any new initiatives or schemes in your country that can help you if necessary.

Use your time wisely and productively

I don't know about you, but I have a long wish list of things that I need to do. My website is long overdue a complete revamp, I started an online social media course on Udemy and never completed it! My list is endless and I am sure that yours is too! 

Communicate with other Balloon Professionals

Whether it is through social media, or networking groups, this is the perfect time to initiate conversation with other balloon professionals. We all have some truly great ideas or knowledge that we can bounce off each other.

Keep safe, healthy and positive! Exercise regularly, get plenty of fresh air, eat a well-balanced diet, get sufficient sleep and make time for self-care. These habits not only boost your immune system and keep your body functioning optimally; they will also help you feel healthy and fit. Moreover, when you feel strong and healthy you will find that you are better able to cope with whatever is taking place around you.

Follow me @suebowler

Monday, March 9, 2020

What do you know about Communions? Here are some Creative Ideas and "Top Tips" for the Communion Season!

Anne Cahill-McGovern, created this beautiful
Communion centrepiece design using the
22" Elegant Greenery Deco Bubble with the
11" First Communion inside.

First Communion is seen as one of the holiest and most important occasions in a Roman Catholic's life. It is the first time that a person receives the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, which is the eating of consecrated bread and drinking of consecrated wine.
When a child experiences their First Holy Communion, it’s a major moment for themselves as well as their families. Like their Baptism, the day of First Communion is one that is filled with family, friends, and feasting after the sacred event has taken place.

Girls typically are adorned to look like little brides, wearing white gowns and veils, while boys wear their Sunday best or new suits and ties bought for the occasion.

Communion season is fast approaching, and as someone who knows very little about this very special occasion, I would like to know more! I'm curious about how communion celebrations vary from country to country, as well as how important the communion season is for trade within the balloon industry? 

Simple yet elegant, this beautiful design is perfect to celebrate any first communion.
Luc Bertrand, CBA, wAw Balloons in Vichte, Belgium

These adorable 14" Angel Boy and Angel Girls make a great addition to a Communion Centrepiece or arrangement.

I got some different perspectives from industry professionals, Luc Bertrand, CBA of WAW Balloons, Belgium, Tania Torre, CBA of Balloon Express Shop, Terme Vigliatore, Italy, and Anne Cahill McGovern,CBA of Elegant Balloons, Pearl River, New York, USA. It is clear why this celebration is a very important time for some balloon companies.

How important is a child’s first communion in your country?

"It is extremely important in the Flemish area but somehow a bit less in the French-speaking part of Belgium. Not only First Communion, but Confirmation would be as important. As for balloons, we will sell for both occasions; albeit that the demand might be different. Then there would be the non-Christians - they want to throw in a party for their kids as well and call it something that can be translated into 'spring-party'.
"For us in Italy, it is the most important religious event after the christening."
 "Communions are very important here in the US. It is a short period - 6 weeks starting the week after Easter. Over the years it has gotten a little crazy - little girls get their hair and nails done, and a top of the range dress can cost in excess of $500.00!  While communions don't tend to have the biggest budgets, they are very important to us and we have done very well over the years marketing to this area."

Communion designs can be totally on-trend with these beautiful
18" Golden Cross and Greenery Microfoil balloons and paired with the
11" First Communion Cross.

Beautiful Table Arrangement by Anne Cahill-McGovern

Can you describe a 'typical' communion celebration?

"Obviously there will be a celebration in church. This should be the most important moment of the day, but parents see the little kids dress, the party afterwards and the impression they will leave as more important. We call these parties 'the little weddings'.
Nowadays some priests try to boycott the party by having the celebration in church at a time that makes it impossible to organize a full party afterwards.

The party could be at home, a table in a restaurant or renting a whole venue. It all depends on how many guests are invited.
"The religious ceremony is in church; the party is celebrated in a restaurant with relatives and closest friends."

"Some people have parties at home but all the venues in my area are completely booked out nearly every weekend during communion season, except maybe Memorial Day weekend which seems to be the slower weekend for communions."

Happy Communion Flower
First communion in any language is a big deal for any little girl! And what better way to show it than with flowers!
 Luc Bertrand, CBA, wAw Balloons in Vichte, Belgium
How important is the communion season for your business?

"This is the moment with the biggest sales of the year. From early in the morning we inflate so many balloons that we can barely see the ceiling of the shop any more! We have recently installed three large corral nets to help us to manage the orders better "
"For us, it's the most important event after the marriage and eighteenth birthday, especially if we consider that it is concentrated in one month only." 
"Communion Season has always been a very important time for our business. We sometimes have as many as 20-30 communions added onto our regular schedule (bar mitzvahs, birthdays etc.) We know it is a short period and try to take as many as possible to make as much money as possible since the summers tend to be slower for us."

Here are some top tips to make communion season a success for your business.

Give your service plenty of promotion.

  • Start your marketing campaign early, as most parties will already be in the planning stages.
  • Find and join local Facebook Groups and Town pages in which you can promote your business. Many of these have a specific day that they allow local businesses to advertise, so check with the group admins.
  • Visit your local Catholic Churches, see if you can leave some printed literature with photographs of your work that could be offered to families, or maybe offer a special discount Remember CANVA is a fantastic tool for creating professional looking printed literature.
Keep your designs simple and easy to transport
  • Many of the parties will be relatively simple affairs that will just require bunches of helium-filled balloons to decorate a room or hall. Keeping your designs simple will enable you to sell multiple arrangements with ease.
  • Make sure that you have ready to go - "Cash and Carry" designs available on the day. 
Show what you want to sell
  • It is always a good idea to have a selection of designs to offer to clients. This is a great way to test your market and establish what customers are prepared to spend. Take a good photograph of each design to give you the opportunity to promote them in a professional way.
Offer a variety of decor to allow for different budgets.
  • Everyone is different, so we should ensure that we cater to the variety of tastes and trends. When you look a Pinterest and Instagram, you will see balloon decor can that varies from organic style decor to balloon bouquets. Some people still want a religious element to their child's event, whereas others have moved to more trending decor.

Use air-filled designs and Deco Bubbles
  • Communion season is notoriously busy yet short. To maximise sales opportunities, make sure that you offer decor that can be prepared well in advance. 

A big thank you to Luc, Tania and Anne for their input and the invaluable tips!

Happy Ballooning!

Follow me on Instagram @suebowler

Friday, February 28, 2020

Balloon Mosaic Frames - Another Ballooning Trend for 2020!

Who else loves these beautiful structured frames? Although not something completely new, Balloon Mosaics™️ and Mosaic Frames for Balloons is another balloon trend that is set to grow! 

Mosaic Number Design created by WOW Balloons
in DFW, Texas, USA.
Self-confessed "Pink" devotee and lover of all things party Lilly Jimenez, founder of The Creative Heart Studio, has used her artistic skills and design background to create the fresh approach that is Balloon Mosaics. 

Unicorn Balloon Mosaic by Lilly Jimenez

Rewind to February, 2017 when Lily shared one of her first projects, Unicorn Kisses and Rainbow Wishes. In this beginning experience she displayed her inspiration and design ideas to create a beautiful Unicorn theme party, and her first Balloon Mosaic was born. To read the full article simple click on link above or visit 

If you would like to learn how to make this Pineapple Balloon Mosaic, Lilly gives complete instructions in the 
how-to video below. 

Lilly has a wonderfully extensive selection of Balloon Mosaic templates available to purchase. To see the full range click HERE

As with all great new trends, it does not take too long until an idea or concept begins to gain traction in it's popularity. Last year at the Qualatex Event Mexico, Zoe Adam-Jones, CBA, of Jaz Trading, Queensland, Australia used mosaic frames as part of her entrance decor for the event! The frames were beautifully hand-crafted by Garlis Bolivar, CBA, of La Globeria in Mexico City, Mexico.

Zoe wanted to do something a little bit different from the norm and created an "out of the box" look with her letters! 

Here are some of Zoe's Fabulous "Out of the Box" Mosaic Letters 

Luc Bertrand, CBA, of WAW Balloons, Vichte, Belgium is also teaching attendees of his What's Hot Air-Filled Fun class how to make foam board structures, along with other framing techniques. For more information on Luc's course click HERE

It is now possible to buy Mosaic Frames for Balloons that only require assembling and filling. These kits are made from a hard Styrofoam that forms the base of the decoration frame. These are first created in puzzle-like pieces that fit together and then securely glued using a low temperature/cool melt glue gun. The edges are made from a corrugated cardboard roll, which is glued in position. These frames are available to purchase through a number of distributors worldwide. Click HERE to find out more. Balloons are not included with the kits.

Easy to follow instructions are included in every kit.

This is only a small selection of the frames that are available for purchase.

I have yet to make a Mosaic frame, but I think that when I do, I will start with the ready- made frame that requires little assembly for my first attempt. Maybe in the future I will attempt to make my own. I am excited to begin exploring this technique, and to discover the pro's and cons of remade and DIY mosaics.

Happy ballooning!

Follow me on Instagram - @suebowler 

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Just What are the Top Balloon & Party Trends for 2020?

After a little research on the mighty Web, I found quite a few contenders for the top trends that could have an impact on our balloon and party businesses this year.

2020 Colour of the Year - Classic Blue

Beautiful Decor by Moon and Blooms, San Jose, California, USA.

There is nothing very new about this classic colour, which is why many have questioned its choice as the Pantone Colour of the Year! According to The Pantone Institute, that exactly was the main idea behind choosing this shade. They wanted to select a colour that stands out while also being familiar. It should gives everyone a foundation of faith and peace.

So could this be the year of of blue balloon décor en masse, or are there other new trends in the balloon industry that will be even more prominent? Historically, it takes a while for the colour of the year to make its way into the balloon industry, and that transition happens mainly through fashion, especially the wedding market.

Gender Neutral Party Ideas

Circus Theme Party Decor
Designer: Shannon Kilford, of Born to Party, Sydney, Australia

It's time to think outside of the "gender box" and embrace more Gender Neutral themes! There is an abundance of exciting and classic party themes that will suit anyone! 

Zany Zooventure!
Designer: Sam Josie, CBA, 
Pioneer® Balloon Company

Here are a few great gender neutral suggestions!
  • Zoo, Safari and any animal theme.
  • Carnival and Circus
  • Magic and Wizards
  • Under the Sea 
  • Luau and Beach 
  • Ice-Cream and Candy
  • Hot-Air Balloons and Vintage Travel

Streamer Backdrops

Whimsical and packed with colour and movement, these stunning streamer backdrops will be a big hit for 2020! Streamer backdrops add the wow-factor to a party, and are customisable to match an event’s colour scheme. It also creates a fun photo opportunity for those looking to create an “instagram moment” at their party.

Last year Chris Adamo, CBA, of Balloons Online, Sydney, Australia presented streamer backdrops as being one of Australia's hottest trends. Chris very kindly made a short video tutorial the demonstrates how to make these awesome streamers. If you missed it the first time round, I have added the video again below! 

80's and 90's Theme Parties

As millennials get older, they are starting to put a focus on fond memories of their youth. From Cheers to Friends, the 80's and 90's set the scene for fabulous sitcoms that are still popular 30 years on! And of course, who could forget Beanie Babies? I still have a trunk packed with mint condition Beanie Babies waiting for their revival! 

11" Neon Music Notes 

Neon was a big trend in the 80's, and this new 18" "Happy Birthday Neon Glow" balloon from Qualatex fits the bill perfectly! Don't forget these vibrant 11" Neon Music Notes, these would fit just as well with this theme. 

Au Naturel - Pampas Grasses & Dried Flowers

Photograph courtesy of
Photographer: Andreas Pinacci
If you have not yet noticed the beautiful Pampas Grasses & Dried Flowers trend, it's definitely time to! It seems like everywhere you look for inspiration, from large scale events to every day parties, the fluffy pampas grass and dried flowers appear in some way. It gained traction in the floral industry and it's only recently started appearing with balloons. It is always worth watching the floral industry trends as they usually gravitate into the balloon industry especially as so many of us now work with balloons and flowers! 

The great thing about pampas grass, dried and faux flowers is that they can be used repeatedly, making it very sustainable, a 2020 buzzword that clients love to hear! You would be amazed at how many people grow these resilient grasses in their gardens, I myself have some beautiful species that would look fabulous in balloon decor! Maybe 2020 is the year to start growing your own accent decor! 

Of course there are even more trends that will certainly play a part in the ballooning world this year:

Sustainability and Sustainable Parties, using live plants over cut flowers, succulents are very on-trend right now.
Many are also making it a point to eliminate the use of single-use plastics - offer only latex balloons.
Planners also focus on only utilising re-usable decor options, such as cloth bunting or any props that can be rented and/or re-used.

Space and Galaxy Theme parties

Children of all ages love a space theme party; they have become extremely popular over the past few years! Have you heard about "Two the Moon" Birthday Parties? These parties specifically celebrate a child's second birthday - I could see this becoming an even bigger trend in the future.

Disco Balls are making a big comeback as an accent detail at parties, not just one or two, lots of them! 

Personalisation remains a top trend, so adding a name or a message on your balloons and décor will definitely be a hit! 

And finally, have you seen Pinterest 100: The top trends to inspire and try in 2020. This is a fabulous resource and a good round-up of lots of different trends anticipated for 2020 and beyond! 
"Peek into the future with the top Pinterest trends for 2020. 
When Pinners are looking for new ideas, they come to Pinterest first. It’s where they get inspiration, dream about new possibilities and plan for what matters most. And every time someone searches on Pinterest, they’re thinking about what they want to try next. Multiply that behavior by the more than 320 million people using Pinterest all over the world, and you get unique insight into emerging trends. The Pinterest 100 is our annual report showing what’s next, with ideas across categories including food, home, style, beauty, health, travel and family. This year, we organized the trends into ten themes that show broader cultural shifts and changes in consumer behavior. Wondering what’s with re-wilding, dog halos, Granny pods, agritourism and rockhounding? Read on to see what will be big in 2020!These insights tell us that more than ever, people are thinking and acting globally and sustainably. They’re staying home to work, entertain or be entertained, and then heading outdoors to be reacquainted with nature, look for adventure, and travel responsibly. All while lowering stress and elevating different areas of their lives, from pet care to scrunchies."
If this information is new to you, I recommend investigating further, as it is  packed with some great information, which very well may help you get ahead of the game!  

Happy Ballooning!

@suebowler - follow me on Instagram